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Unfaithful Boris screws Tube Passengers!!

The Mayor of London, who campaigned for election on the promise of keeping ticket offices open, now plans to close them as part ofthe 12.5% cut in the budget of London Underground (LU) announced on 21st November. This will, at a stroke, reduce safety, reduce service, cause inconvenience to the travelling public and increase the cost of travelling cattle class. The intention of London Underground is to create a self-service, supermarket model, and that means all Ticket Offices are due to close by 2015.

Look at the crowds in busy ticket halls like Euston – long queues for the ticket office, and even longer queues for ticket machines. It appears that more space, more ticket machines and more staff are actually what’s needed. Even in the current insanity that pervades the mayor’s office, the mayor must be aware that the crowds and the queues include millions of tourists – both foreign and domestic – and they are likely to tell their friends and relatives of their under whelming experience on London’s underground.

The news of the savage cuts was given at the same time as announcing the 24 hour running of some tube lines; neatly hiding the cuts from all the headlines. The mainstream media has played along with this scenario, and has also repeated London Underground’s assertion that the Railway Marine and Transport Union, the RMT, is balloting for strike action over the 24 hour running. They are not. They are balloting for strike action over the cuts.

Little prominence has been given to the phasing out of the Oyster card, to be replaced by contact-less bankcards. The Oyster card works fine for the passenger, but LU want to switch to a system that conveniently means that any ticketing problems experienced by passengers are no longer dealt with by LU, but by the passenger’s bank!

London Underground states that they will keep Oyster cards while the public wants Oyster cards, but who will decide this? No doubt it will be London Underground, and when they do, it will mean that anyone who doesn’t qualify for a contact-less card from their bank will have to pay the full price at a machine. Even those with a contact-less card could find that their bank refuses to sanction a transaction, forcing them also to pay the full price at a machine and take up the argument with their bank later.

Foreign tourists may well have contact-less cards, but they won’t be in sterling, so they’ll be charged the banks usual exorbitant exchange rate. A great advertisement for one of the world’s top tourist destinations!!

To support the closure of the ticket offices, London Underground states that only 3% of the tickets for the 1.2 billion journeys each year on London Underground are purchased at a ticket office. Oh dear, such lies, damn lies and statistics! That 3% is actually 36 million journeys a year, an average of nearly 100,000 journeys per day. However, these journeys are not neatly and evenly distributed between London Underground’s 270 stations. They are predominantly in the larger central London stations; ones that have more than one tube line and connect with mainline train services and Heathrow Airport.

London Underground states that the 750 job losses will save £270 million over 5 years – but these are full time, pensionable positions which cost more, so LU is jumping on the bandwagon of outsourcing jobs. Those staff that are not made redundant will be subject to outside assessment to decide on their competence, their grade and their pay. Even though their existing conditions will remain for 3/5 years, they could eventually face pay cuts of £10,000/£20,000 per annum!!

Instead of fully trained staff, there will be outsourced workers on zero hour’s contracts. Cleaning is already contracted out, and cleaning companies are not generally known for paying generous wages or offering decent conditions of employment.

The station staff who work the evening shift at London Overground (LO) stations are contracted to STM Security, and all 250 workers are on zero hour contracts. The process of getting rid of the guards on London Overground has already started, and maintenance is being cut – compromising safety on the trains. Un-staffed stations will be useless for the disabled needing assistance. CCTV might show who attacked a woman coming home late at night, but a staffed station could probably prevent the attack. But then, who the hell cares about the passengers?  Cripes, Boris, you don’t need a high IQ to know tube passengers also vote!!


2 Responses to “Unfaithful Boris screws Tube Passengers!!”
  1. Mike Gold says:

    Apologies for the delay in replying. Plan is to phase out Oyster cards and then if anything goes wrong you have to deal with your bank. Brilliant for a public service!!

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] There are also plans to introduce contactless bank card payment to make it easier to pay for tickets, although this makes the future of the Oyster card unclear. Some have argued that if the Oyster card is eventually phased out, then those without contactless bank cards will be forced to pay the full ticket price, while tourists will be vulnerable to international exchange rates. […]

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